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tv   CCTV News  PBS  May 6, 2014 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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this program is brought you by. the group. from norway's mainstream crews were as was predicted. exploring one thousand miles of norwegian coastline the report called encounters and access to wilkinson. the us. i have. oh
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well. cctv world headquarters in beijing thank you for joining us. he has three pm here the chinese capital. our top story this awful time he's been in the kitchen and is into his third full day of its four country tour in africa. he's laid out a framework for china africa cooperation in a speech at the hidden corners of the african union. speaking on monday in addis ababa ethiopia created a new proposed four principles for deepening cooperation and he underlined six primary areas of cooperation. cctv is core to chop has the details the premier league said conley of africa's role in maintaining world peace and stability is africa has become one pole of the world in three dimensions and when claire on the stage of world politics. you can shoot
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the heir to the global economic growth and to call for party human civilization in order to further deepen bilateral ties. we proposed for guiding principles treating each other seems fairly and equally consolidating solidarity and mutual trust to jointly pursue an inclusive development and promoting innovation in bilateral practical cooperation. we should root for them. she's pushing. i went to china and africa have always respected each other's core interests and major concern. china spoken out in support of effortless just pours a legitimate positions africa supported china and safeguarding its major interests. we have strengthen collaboration and coordination in international and regional affairs and this is effectively up hold the common interests of all developing countries. china africa trade scheme to spend ten billion us dollars in twenty three tea in china has been africa's biggest trading partner for the past five
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years. we set a target for bilateral trade on the top four hundred billion us dollars a twenty twenty and china's direct investment in africa at one hundred billion dollars. noting china and africa as increasingly shared common interests and to assist the foundation for cooperation. we propose that the two sides have been a new chapter in bilateral cooperation. these questions but don't read the history and reality until top is that africa could seek opportunities in china's development and china can benefit from africa's development will carry with me. the print head and defied six area as the faggots industry financed poverty reduction ecological protection people to people exchanges and peace and security criticized a cropper a premier he also highlighted the farm and china africa cooperation as unimportant not want to deepen bilateral a tie uh uh. if the kid that
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means her to act against ut to profits and twenty six cctv. the cheater portion of the african union commission so gonna assume that the eu headquarters in addis ababa we stayed til they're firmly support the african union is a leading role in african integration and maintaining regional peace and security he's in town to support peace and security in africa and will cooperate with the african in agriculture industry and reducing poverty said african countries are willing to share china's development experience and deepening cooperation the two sides say they will work together to build the theater of world war. after the meeting the two leaders with the signing of cooperation documents and released a joint declaration what degree that a closer cooperation between china and africa is beneficial for more stable balanced and democratic international
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order and they will strengthen cooperation and what nation un reform climate change and other international issues. the two sides also agreed that eliminating poverty is an urgent task for both. they will take the twenty fourteen africa. agriculture and food security you as an opportunity to strip and technological cooperation in the agriculture sector. six people had been injured in a buy one stabbing attack at the railway station in china's southern city of one job. the attack occurred about eleven a m tuesday morning in an area right outside the one joe railway station. police fired shots and caught a male suspect they say with a knife in hand the incident is now under investigation. and let's bring in now our reportedly ladies on the phone. annie's they are even want joe to bring some detailed way you've just you barack. angel
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railway station. what occurred after this attack and what is happening than now. light green. i just arrived in atlanta river station happy lately. really they should think china last week the day. we still don't know the identity of chapters will remain behind to trouble them. in the kitchen to get going we kept to a curious george and copper plate driver he added that we know that the set up the whole of the people. helping out into our hospital. the general hospital a right to enrich the command of the people's liberation. back to me what i read last year the reckoning the workshop and carpet anyhow the cat in the daily
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operation. this weekend its reputation after break. with this despicable attack you as you mentioned is this a series of attacks at this point our police saying anything about the possibly being any connections or anything of that nature the story. if the occasion we have noted after making the making. every day while the railway station attack tina. the accused. many people the range of niche nevertheless these two g capital of north taranaki don't read it i read them first the wedding. she looked tonight you can't change it. in short he's the river taking her out. i think tiny bit clingy and didn't want to post one for
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making strapped into a less patient. please if you look at the clock to skate with me on matters of fact. taking the wicket to a close eye on the interest of the pack that is. when we ladies at the scene was a jew railway station there. thank you. and we'll have much more unusual even for short breaks in with us. fan. it is . duty on rest
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in ukraine were interim government troops are continuing to fight gun battles with andy keogh activists rome eastern cities and so he asked kiev launched a fresh way look what they call anti terror operations reminded to retake the city the interim interior ministry said at least four ukrainian servicemen were killed and some thirty wounded during that operation meanwhile kiev has claimed its security forces are in control of most of comet port city including the exclusion of the city center. the state is immoral cold and cough can of coke were also the target of the interim government forces. these four cities are in the state of don't ask which is the heartland of support for the ousted ukrainian president viktor calico which has a stronghold
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of the anti government protesters. not correspond robot design has been traveling in the country's eastern region where the situation remains tense he joined the snow from the nest. i was so what's the situation like a woman drowned in the nets and other parts of the east. well for research firms. what does that said the city there is wide at the moment but very tense of course both local residents and the so called self defense force itself the gas for the nt government has said that is the thing right now. they are expecting yet another attack another to white gradient forces to take over the city. the commander of the guide told us what i've typed that. they had at least eight people died during monday's five cents or seventeen cents. members of this this thing called self defense forces of the anti government militia and that
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they are also telling us that they are ready for another to actually understand the reason that they're completely out numbered there's a bit not wanting to be defeated in a state even as they have to die so to speak was to see what happens like that for later today here in bad debts the international airport of the task at best. like richard us to an internal flights in and out of the airport. great cities. we are yet why that is. as the god. it was great the figures that they could be of may two thousand. went to eat between me and russia and ukraine we do not know that we don't know what the reasons behind the postponement of this was going to investigate that later on in that situation remains tense. in the hands of people are also a defiant
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look good at observing over the last ten days or so though the operation that netted the ukrainian government is wanting to all the other called the demands of terrorists and terror operations. the people who are holding this the buildings here on the dance as well as variable as well as other cities across this did you break the deal appeared to have broad support and from what we've observed on the ground residents were willing to donate so to speak of professional skills to support the cause of those protesters. you mentioned something about that the people of the meal was what this situation are they coping with this and it was the saying about the of the questions as well. we heard from speaking to it there. nobody is happy with the situation i am making
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taking the spot and turn everybody wants peace the saint and the more i suppose but they seem to get out against them in their eyes from the ukrainian government from the government and keep them were excited to find a book on that and telling. we've been talking to this balance for most of the problems peacefully for several weeks peacefully. he was being completely disregarded and not twist up to take over those buildings because then we all finally somebody was going to listen to us but at the same time. i of course that there are people who are not happy that the address they were the wives of what the situation to seek government. he's still in the bowl of hot them that's why. odd as this reticence with depression and continue here are the people that's going to be the path to take this into more peaceful. i
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liked affection and love. i thought that this was the result. possibly at twenty. hospital. what's now the headquarters of the pro independence movement in the next three small rooms crammed into volunteer medic and basic supplies. here's the dnc chief threat to the tacoma is going to clean out providing checkups and first aid training to the building's defenders from hundred and fifty doctors nurses and volunteers come scare off to work. unbeaten in regulation. sometimes two to three hours of sleep. my colleagues think omar of twenty three liberal unionist work to complete his own money to back his first response back. i know that i am rushing. okay you just hit us against each other. make us fight each other. that's a deal is also one of its thirty five year old beauty i see shows up today on the day at the risk of being branded as the protests which now
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carries the fifty year sentence in ukraine gone is the model. my mom they are worried about me. i know like when useful here to bring their victory closer. the so called surgery room to be squeaky clean but equipped with the stencils only just enough for the medics to treat basic injuries from the bow and makes it ideal for the keys to the love and look up admit it did the dust it with plastic bottles on the thai been here with some speed. and now. this makes it ideal trip. they say everything is paid for by the people you are a good call my people they are bringing us money medicine and thinking. if you think you are inside the rebel headquarters in the southern port city of bari who pull the cafeteria in what was that the council now doubled in the field he said. drop off point for the main supply new physical comedy that is
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not sticking at least four hundred people every day. i ask her if they get any support from russia. you know now. this is what we would have between aggression and dance with the stockton to the ceiling these other cases of eastern ukraine suprising sometimes covered by alec love us and sometimes surgical masks. as a seal it in my report. it does appear that there's a broad support for the safety of the referendum on sovereignty of the independence of the street to the end of the opera. officials of the so called suffered tremendous because republican kids into the calling people to comment that says that the tenants referendum on the eleventh. that is they didn't care what have we seen on the ground salt brought to support it. we'll be able to tell only up to this referendum is held. we hope that the residents here for
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twelve will go ahead. i went there at six for seventy seven as the british government continues its own special operations dislodged anti government protesters maybe that is a lot. this will not take it so we'll see what's going to happen next week. reporting to his home the next thank you and will certainly keep updated on what's happening in eastern ukraine note to egypt for a bill from lcct former military chief to depose the foaming egyptian president muhammad more c and c c now has a presidential hopeful he said the muslim brotherhood will never return as an organization. he accuses it of using militant groups as a conduit to destabilize egypt. we'll see who is not an easy destination tamils in brooklyn. egyptians have problems not so sweet to me it was a wee bit egyptian people. the house and in all it wants to the brotherhood
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was sad now on to him that if i'm guessing no to the brotherhood of nod. lcc made the remark in his first tv interview of his campaign which course here on monday the valve that restoring stability and ringing the bell that were his top priorities. the commons rejected any hopes of political reconciliation with some of the book muslim brotherhood which was egypt's most powerful political force until lcc remove president muhammad more c last summer occ only opponent in the race. the leftist politician hundred and seventy two third place finish in the twenty twelve election to one by morrissey not to a story the sparking international outrage the leader of the nigerian group will hold drawn is threatening to say old more than two hundred school girls the islamist militant group kidnapped them from their school in the north east part of the country three weeks ago. in a newly released on video. the group's leader
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also rants against the education of girls. cctv is me thinking. video featuring each one sitting now the leader of the kroger on the knitting group is behind the mass abduction it will and he then goes about plans to sell the teenage girls. i did i got into it and get it on to play. at the end it was the reason these reasons is the right move for the abductions. that day. double doors this industry weeks. this northeast of nigerians live on the stage. nothing in the hood about the bills until now. the anger from
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neutral storage area in the world. the perceived lack of government action to get the bills back my cereal bowl for so long just on the insults are in africa getting the bang of a member of the delegation met with a wife of nigeria's president of the action to get the bills back. it has been arrested. all four of the roman translates into western education is the same the truth reign of terror and local interior has lost if i do this. bending secular education project entails the halls of its agenda. it also was unstoppable for the nigerian government and implement shari law include a separate islamic state in all the weeks of this on its ally syria will have to pay on our valley and up until we found and returned although it meant they deal with the help of enlisted the help of foreign intelligence agencies including in the us trying to help them find the perfect meanwhile a bridge over
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the mudgeeraba is beefing up security is a meeting of the world economic forum dance on the way in the capital protections critics say the mobile folded them all to my syrians move you to do this in the caulfield cup run. a decaying cctv washington the organization human rights watch released a report on monday saying the venezuelan government has violated human rights of dozens of unarmed protesters in nearly three months of clashes in the country but the government forty one people who've been killed cctv smart markets reports he interviews a new report human rights watch concludes that does. fortunately into this world security forces in the right spot. the report is true the president has been discovered. this is the man he used excessive force to crush the sand. well because
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i don't blast. what he was abused by force. got invited to the street. which of its cause. the us government also accused the state prosecutors and judges are even participate. the alleged abuses. at a news conference today in them and seemed to authorities to release her son was detained two weeks ago and anti government protests. anyway i am in and i bet he never had any problems. not even use the masters. so imagine my son and his distorted everytime we talk he can do to help me the government as when the protesters for most of the violence which has left the school day. last month the government admitted
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that some sectors of the security forces had used excessive force chief general see what they see. we are conducting more than one point five investigations all of that i use that. going to find out what to do with the possible because this country if the community to human rights. despite the government investigation into the launch of a nonpartisan commission. most of venice was alright only have little faith in the commissioning ball in the stock market its cctv in caracas. the fifth china a us peace one has all been in the northwest china has been shocked way up to this region before i was co hosted by the chinese people association for peace and disarmament. the evening shopping association for friendship with foreign countries and the american friends service committee representatives of the four on discussed issues including the new development of the international strategic
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security major power relationship between china and the united states and china the us interactions in southeast asia. no search operations on the capsize south korean parents who will enter the twentieth day with the latest death toll rising to two hundred sixty two and forty people are still unaccounted for. one of the twenty seven divers were part of the surge operation on monday which was mainly focused on the symphony hall home of the race third level the search team estimates among the one hundred and eleven. the reason the ship there were sixty four wheels possible for passengers to take refuge. so far the team has competed surging sixty one ever hears and planned to search areas such as quarter's status and restrooms. ms may deadline has been set to expand the search korea to the cargo compartment. chew the remaining forty missing not be stopped. while south korean media reported that in the past thirteen months
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there is this so will need more than two hundred forty trips. all were loaded with cargo. the ferry made its final journey with the whole losing weight of two thousand six hundred tonnes the highest food he had given kerry. toast this morning south korean reports say that one the diver has been pounded after losing contact during search operations. one kid i would join the operations just yesterday he was on his first mission on tuesday morning. now all underwater search has been suspended. dark green president talking naming of the official apology to the recent ferry sinking the president at a celebration ceremony of buddha's birthday and soul express deep apologies for that to the victims and their families. she plays the government will learn its lesson and caring helpful reform of the regulations and social systems to prevent such disasters. the ceremony was held at a tumble in seoul
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the major monasteries of the country's largest buddhist part was the first incumbent south korean president to attend such an annual religious eleven people are still missing at sea in your home call him after a cargo vessel collided with a container ship on monday. the chinese mainland cargo ship sank after colliding with another car which hit at around two thirty pm beijing time. tok room and fell into the sea in one of them. forty seven year old mainland and was later rescued by a passing fishing boat. the chinese ship jones and the two collided with the three hundred meter marshall islands registered container ship will motivate he was leaving home calling for wind. the hong kong maritime routes to fort mason center is now assisting with the search and rescue operation ordinating by the guangdong maritime rescue center. three helicopters and told marines and five hundred apartments from uncle r us to
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sink in the search. and that's our report from now on to village in beijing. thank you for watching the news the new i know. i was. ch ch
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ch. we will the eye. fan
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it's the pitcher. snakes or so. the sun stops brought out a name that did not say it is but that didn't stop her son's intelligence agency isi is behind your


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